Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week 11, Syllabus

Mr. Ditzenberger-U.S. History
Lesson: The New Deal and 30s News Time: Week 11, 3/31-4/4 Unit: Post Crash to Pre-War
1. Students watch a video and answer corresponding questions regarding the Depression years.
2. Students will list and compare the main programs under FDR’s New Deal.
3. Students will analyze a Great Depression era picture and one of FDR’s Fireside Chats.
4. Students will categorize the various major news items of the 1930s.

1. At age 17 or 18, how would your life change for the better and for the worse if the market crashed today, there was a run on the banks, unemployment went up to 25% (your parents were included among the unemployed), and there were suddenly many homeless families?
2. -The Great Depression video. Guided viewing. 30 minutes.
3. Read Chapter 25, Section 1, Restoring Hope for homework.

1. New Deal Lecture
2. Read Chapter 25, Section 2, New Challenges.

1. Quiz over Chapter 25, Sections 1 and 2. Notes allowed.
2. Picture Analysis
3. Fireside Chat Analysis.
4. Homework: Due Thursday. Read Chapter 25, Section 3. Complete ID and Ex. Be sure to explain the significance of each person or thing.

1. News of the 30s.
2. Homework: Read Chapter 25, Section 4. Complete 4: a, b, and c on page 763. Due Friday.

1. News of the 30s continued.

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