Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1920s Study Guide for Test

M/C: "return to normalcy" is associated with whom?, "Ohio Gang", Silent Cal, politics of Coolidge, Red Scare, immigrants, KKK, Scopes Monkey Trial, prosperity in the 20s, group that did not experience prosperity in the 20s, actors/actresses of the '20s, first talkie movie, "Spirit of St. Louis", characteristics of Jazz, Jazz musicians, figures of the Harlem Renaissance, flappers, "Great Gatsby", prohibition outlawed, Al Capone, definition of a stock, buying on margin, factors in the Great Depression, recession, Hoover's policies and attitude toward the "Great Depression" crisis, banks and unemployment following "The Crash", Hoovervilles, Bonus March.

T/F-mostly on the Hoover years.

Short Answer-Give three causes of the Great Depression

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