Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week 5, Syllabus

Mr. Ditzenberger-U.S. History
Lesson: Prelude to Revolution
Time: 3:20/Week 5
Unit: Colonial America and the Revolution
1. Students will watch a video that highlights the key events that led to the beginning and the eventually victory of the American Revolutionary War by the colonists.
2. Students will list key terms and analyze key ideas about the beginning of the American Revolution.
3. Students will identify and explain the roles of the key leaders and forces in the Revolutionary Period.
4. Students will discuss the role of ordinary colonists in the war.
5. Students will identify the weakness of the Articles of Confederation and understand the basic structure and contents of the Constitution.
1. 1. Section 4. Video Road to American Revolution: Guided Viewing Questions.
1. Opener: explain these events. Use your notes and/or book if you need help: Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Boston Massacre, Lexington and Concord.
2. Act out Lexington, Concord, Bunker/Breed’s Hill. Include the crossing of the Charles River, the battles at Lexington and Concord, the
3. Complete “Identity and Explain” and 4-a and b on Page 113. Due Tuesday.
4. Due Friday. Read Romans 13:1-7. Write an essay explaining whether you believe the colonists were biblically justified to rebel. Be sure to include your thoughts as they relate to the passage.
1. Turn in Homework
2. Read the Declaration of Independence.
3. Watch Video on D of I.
4. Read section three and complete Identify and Explain; 3-a, b and c; and 4-Identifying Bias page 119
Chapter 5, Lecture.
Homework: On page 156, Complete Identifying People and Ideas, Understanding Main Ideas, and numbers 2 and 3 under Thinking Critically. Due Monday.
1. Chapter 5, Lecture continued.
2. Homework (assigned Thursday) due Monday.

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