Saturday, September 1, 2007

Syllabus, Week 4

Mr. Ditzenberger, 9th Grade Bible
Time: 5 Periods
Unit 1, Lesson: Genesis-Angels
Week: 4 Dates: September 3-6

1. Students will read and discuss biblical references to angels and compare biblical teaching to cultural understanding.
2. Students will understand how Jesus related to angels by reading and answering questions on angels.
3. Students will summarize in writing what the purpose of angelology is.

September 3, Monday
Opener: Why are some people more interested in angles than in the God who made them? (10 min)
Handout-Angelology. (25 min)
Angels video on blog-thinking critically about media. (10 min)
Show pictures of angles. (5 min)

September 4, Tuesday
1. Opener: Have you or someone you personally know ever had an encounter with someone that seemed to be an angel? (5 min)
2. Handout-Jesus and Angels (30 min)
3. Work on stories in spare time. (10 min)
4. Homework-internet story on angels.

September 5, Wednesday
Opener: read your angel story to three other people. Share best story in the group to the class. (20 min)
Angelic Activity (15 min)
Discussion-Earth and Heaven Lecture. (10 min)

September 6, Thursday
1. Opener: What is the purpose of angelology? (5 min)
2. Write a half-page essay on the purpose of angelology. (25 min)
3. Handout-angel summary (10 min)
4. Test with a partner on Monday.

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