Friday, January 25, 2008

Syllabus, Semester 2, Week 3

Mr. Ditzenberger-U.S. History
Lesson: Transformation of American Society Time: Week 3, Jan 28-Feb 1st Unit: A Nation Transformed/The Gilded Age
1. Students will summarize the immigration patterns of the U.S. and the response of Nativism during the late 1800s.
2. Students will observe examples of yellow journalism.
3. Students will take a baseball and football quiz.
4. Students will analyze the photojournalism of Jacob Riis and his seminal work on the “other half.”
5. Students will list key elements of the political machines of major US cities.
6. Students will read and reflect upon the key aspects of Populism.

1. Lecture “The New Immigrants”
2. Homework: Chapter 16, “The Urban World” Quiz on Tuesday:

1. Baseball vs. Football quiz.
2. Examples of Yellow Journalism/Tabloids.
3. Lecture-“Daily Life in the Cities-Chapter 16, section 3.

1. Opener-What is the value of pictures? Show Vietnam picture. What is photojournalism?
2. Jacob Riis-How the Other Half Lives-slide show
3. Jigsaw-Cheap Lodging, Italians, Jews, Bohemians, and Chinatown.

1. Chapter 17, Section 1, Political Machines
2. Homework- Chapter 17, Sec\tion 2, Restoring Honest Government.
3. –quiz for tomorrow.

1. Chapter 17, Section 3, The Populist Movement. Students will read each section and then a quiz will follow. While reading, students can ask any question they want to me.
2. Complete Understanding Main Ideas on page 538 for homework. Due Monday.
3. Study for Test on Tuesday. Monday will be an in class review.

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