Friday, November 23, 2007

Manifest Destiny, Civil War, and Reconstruction Unit Test Review

Multiple Choice
most important southern fort at the beginning of the CW, confederate war strategy, the battle that led to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, name of the A.A. battalion of soldiers, location and conditions of the treaty of the CW, the city that suffered from Total War, the compromise of 1850, resistance of the annexation of Texas, Harriet Tubman, Mexican limits on Texan immigrants, motivation for Mexican American War, Black Codes.

Union League, carpetbaggers, segregation, Compromise of 1877, Andrew Johnson, Juneteenth, 14th Amendment, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Thaddeus Stevens

Short Answer
1. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, what was is about (one sentence) and what was its effect on the North and the South? (5 points)
2. What did John Brown do at Pottawatomie and Harper’s Ferry? Explain whether you agree with what he did and why. (4 points)
3. Explain the battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto. Use the names of Sam Bowie, Davy Crocket, Sam Houston, and Santa Anna to aid your explanation.
4. Who drew “first blood” in the War, the Union or Confederates? (2 points)
5. How were African American soldiers treated during the Civil War? (4 points)
6. Giving four examples, explain how the Civil War was the first modern war. (5 points)
7. Why was the Union more likely to win the war? Give at least four reasons to support your answer. (page 371 and notes) (5 points)
8. What was military life generally like for many soldiers in the Civil War? (3 points)
9. Thoroughly describe the Anaconda plan. (3 points)
10. Why did the draft of 1863 spark riots in the north? (2 points)
11. Give two reasons why the battle of Gettysburg was a significant battle in the Civil War. (2 points)
12. Summarize the Gettysburg address in two sentences.
13. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the sharecropping system. (5 points)
14. Describe the positive points and the shortcomings of the 15th Amendment. (4 points)

Lincoln’s beliefs about slavery, life of Union and Confederate women, scope of the Emancipation Proclamation, most important water way in the CW, capital of the Confederate states, general of the Confederate Army, Bull Run, marine warfare in the CW/iron clad ships, slave life, definition of Manifest Destiny, Mexican independence, Scalawag definition.

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